Monday, January 5, 2009

Think of Idaho first. He does.

Earlier today I decided to read a bit about the Israel/Palestine conflict (phase 4598), and I don't even know where to begin talking about that. There is a certain part of me that thinks we should just move all the Jews here to the US and let them settle wherever. They can buy our empty houses. But of course that will never happen and shouldn't happen - I think Israel should definitely exist and has the right to exist. I merely feel unsympathetic toward their current war efforts. I tend to sympathize with the people under attack, and the Palestinians are under attack. I can't begin to imagine the current life of someone in the Gaza Strip.

Moreover, I have formed an impression somehow that Israel is possibly doomed. The interesting question is how I have come to this impression. It's pretty uninformed, more of a gut instinct - based on the knowledge from reading the occasional Economist article, that Jews are a shrinking proportion of Israel, that apartheid states are boycotted (eventually) - and yes, Israel is going down that road, and could probably be called an apartheid state today - ...I mean, I know I am completely unqualified to speak intelligently about the Israel/Gaza conflict. But I know I want it to stop, and I bet most Israelis and Palestinians want it to stop.

Maybe still not president Obama will do something about the conflict! Only one president at a time, I know, but his inauguration is coming up fast. Only 15 days left to complain about Rick Warren!

And one more thing: Something I always enjoy mentioning is a passage in America: The Book called the Death Toll converter, like 2000 dead Namibians = 100 dead Chinese = 1 dead American white girl. Stuff like that. You see that in Iraq and Gaza, I think. 9 dead Israelis, 550 dead Gazans. I know hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died. It's quite staggering. I guess my point is: The Palestinians and Iraqis and all the others are human too. You know that. But people who say Israel has carte blanche in this war definitely do not.

Article I read today that I thought was really interesting

1 comment:

  1. I was really depressed when Jon Stewart pointed out that Israel is basically doing this now because they can still get away with it :(
