Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Barack the Magic Negro!

Apologies for my lack of posting since Christmas. Not much happening in the political world, and as a bonus I've been sick. But I'm back now.

I finally saw something that moved me to write a blog entry: Barack the Magic Negro! This is a song that's been played sometimes on Rush Limbaugh's radio show. You can listen to it here, but fair warning, it's pretty revolting. When I first heard about the song, I thought it was hilarious, in the sense that I couldn't believe anyone could think this song was a good idea. But after having heard the song, I'm quite sickened.

To the present: Here's an account of the story. We have an interesting situation here: apparently most Republicans are standing by Saltsman, but they won't go on TV to defend him (at least that's what my dad says). I find the whole situation absolutely crazy. Think about it: The Republicans lost big on election day partly due to their lack of votes from minorities and young folks. People 18-29 voted for Obama by a 2-1 margin, which is quite amazing. And now we have the potential RNC chair sending this song out as a sort of holiday gift. Does he want the Republicans to keep on losing? It's not so much the actual act of sending out the song - most people will probably never hear about that - it's about the Republican attitude. If you're a minority, if you're a young person, they don't want you in their party. That is boneheaded: there will be more Millennials than Boomers or Gen X voting soon enough. We've already made our political voice heard (black president). Minorities! Yeah, there's going to be more of them too. In Texas, white people are no longer a majority. (Insert joke about me being Asian here.)

You look at Congress: no Republicans in the Congressional Black Caucus. I guess that's obvious enough. There are 4 Republican Hispanics in Congress, all of them Cubans from Florida. (I can't find the exact number of Democrats - it's about 25.) Asians - it's kind of funny how one Republican face I've seen a lot is Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. Why? He's young (37) and a minority! Besides the aforementioned Cuban Hispanics, he is literally the only Republican minority in a prominent elected position. He's their token minority. (Vote Republican, young people! We've got a Desi!)

Watch Jindal. Mark my words, the Republicans will nominate him for president one day. (2016)

But I'm getting too far from Barack the Magic Negro! My point is this: It's patently obvious to me that a song like Barack the Magic Negro is offensive. And I think such a song is offensive (or at least obviously stupid) to most young folks and minorities. Republicans have few prominent minorities. Republicans were pretty bad at winning over young people in the last election. (There just aren't a lot of young people in Congress of either party. John Sununu, at 44, is the youngest senator.) And now we have this song being sent out and most Republicans like it. Are they trying to continue down the path toward electoral irrelevance?

My opinion: Well, not intentionally. Obviously. But next I expect there will be purges! The moderate Republican is dead. (Namely, Chris Shays, the last Republican representative from New England, who was defeated in November.) Oh, there will be purity tests galore. Don't you dare support that Magic Negro (Muslim!) or you'll get primaried by the ever shrinking Republican base.

And now we're getting into the topic of The Future of the Republican Party, which I'll be writing a lot more about. My thoughts about that are pretty twisty, as this entry's incoherence has no doubt shown.

I'll be doing one post a day for the entire month of January, so you can expect several entries on that. Also you can expect posts on Scott McClellan - I'm most of the way through his book, and let me tell you, he's my personal favorite person named Scott. I'm also about halfway through the biography of Senator Church, which is quite a read. I'll be writing about that as well. I said earlier that in Texas, white people are no longer a majority. That's important and shouldn't be glossed over. I'll talk about that as well. I also understand our first black/Magic Negro/Muslim president is going to be inaugurated at some point and he'll start doing stuff and (according to most liberal blogs) failing utterly!


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