Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Emerald Isle

So when I went to the college bookstore today I was pleased to note that their St Patrick's display included those two most Irish books: Ulysses and Finnegans Wake. One year I will be in Dublin on June 16 to celebrate Bloomsday. (Ulysses takes place on June 16 1904) Finnegans Wake is probably a book that should be read while drunk, or perhaps when speaking aloud, or perhaps when drunk dialing. 

I'm thinking about doing an entry on the absolute strangest governor's race in recent history, Louisiana in 1991: the incumbent Buddy Roemer (reformist conservative Democrat turned Republican) versus former governor Edwin Edwards (liberal Cajun Democrat, quite corrupt, a populist - think of Huey Long) versus state representative David Duke (racist, former KKK member, but campaigned with typical conservative Republican rhetoric). Yeah, nice choices. Louisiana has a runoff, so one had to fall. Edwards and Duke made the runoff, Roemer did not. Guess who won. (Hint: People voted for the lizard, not the wizard.)

But I don't feel up to the task of covering that minefield tonight. Ummm, I understand that this week my parents are on the great college tour with my brother: they are visiting Oberlin and University of Chicago. I am going on a tour of my own tomorrow: the tour of information on Horace in the library. It will be fun. 

You know you've listened to Mahler too much when you're starting to hear cross-referencing between his symphonies. It does exist!

It's time to eliminate the penny.

It's time for me to watch this South Park episode that I've been hearing about that satirizes the Jonas Brothers. I don't know much about them - ostentatiously Christian, Obama's kids like them - but I was reading about how they spray white foam on screaming teenage girls at concerts. REALLY. This is something that deserves more research.

It's time for a followup entry on Detroit. I was reading about that city again a couple of nights ago. I don't think I talked at all (besides passing mention) about Detroit's political problems, and there are some epic stories even leaving out Kwame Kilpatrick (the most recent mayor) who was indicted on 8 felony counts. But I'm going to leave that for another day because I'm tired. Good night!

1 comment:

  1. But the penny is the only colored coin! Wanting to eliminate it makes you a RACIST. :O
